Prayer In School
Sue Ann

This is an essay that my daughter, Sue Ann, wrote when she was in the 7th grade and she was twelve years old.
I was amazed at how her perception of prayer in schools,
at that young age, was such a concern and how true her
perception of the future regarding this subject, did come true.
Read about the stand a twelve year old Christian girl
took on such an important subject.
I am a proud mom!

I choose this subject because it has recently been debated in congress. I believe strongly that we should have prayer in school. I don't believe in pushing our beliefs onto you, but you should not take away our right to practice what we believe in. Some people don't believe in anything; it would still give them something to believe in other than parties, friends and school. I also agree, that we shouldn't have it in-between every class, but at least once a day, in the morning.

Think about it, the congress starts every meeting with a prayer but yet we can't stand up in school and say a small short prayer. I disagree that people who want to pray should have to go to christian schools. I mean you would have to pay $90.00 to pray and thats for just a month. We shouldn't have to do that.

Even if you don't look at it as a religious act, it would still make the people do better than before. It would at least give them a chance to do good, even for a short time.

This doesn't mean that people who do not want to pray, have to, but still the people who want to should be able to pray without being ashame or others laughing or making fun of you.

It is proven that ever since prayer was taken out of school, the education has declined. Taking prayer out of school caused millions of kids to start doing things at school that they would never had thought of doing before.

We even forgot that this country was founded upon God.
The pilgrims wanted to have their freedom of religion from Europe. Gods name is on coins, courthouses, and many other things we see everyday. If we don't get prayer back into our school soon, most children won't even know who God is. The next generation will think that man is the most supreme being on earth.

O'Hara, the same lady that got prayer taken out of school, is now trying to get "In God We Trust" taken off of all our coins. That shows what not praying can do for you. What will she do next? Try to get Gods name out of the Pledge? Without forcing people to pray, what harm could come? None. It couldn't bring anything but good. It can't make people believe, but it would let you get the feeling that there is at least someone to talk to in time of trouble. It would really reduce the vandelsim and crime rate in our school.

Student's praying is our only way of communicating with God.
Soon children will not even hear the Bible story at Christmas.

People should exercise the right to pray, weather they are in school or at home. After all, it is one of the things that is free today. This is why I believe we should have prayer in public school.

"Glorify Thy Name"

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