Poetry Collection
Sue Ann

Sue Ann wrote these poems when she was 10 years old and in the 5th grade.
Gosh! she was a writer way back then! She got her writing talent from her Aunt Linda!
The poems are short but sweet! I remember her teachers writing notes on her poem pages.
They always loved her poems and stories and encouraged her to keep up the good work.
Today, she still writes and is better than ever! I hope to post some of her latest poetry soon. Sue Ann this music is just for you honey!

My Family

Mom, dad, and brother Bill,
They give me so much to feel,
They brighten my days
In so many ways,
That I always seem to say,
I Love You!

A Sunny Day

A sunny day helps me on my way,
It tickles my nose and reaches my toes,
It makes the sky light,
As it shines so bright.

A Spring Shower

A spring shower helps the flowers,
It helps grass grow more and more green,
It made the rivers look a little more clean.

Flowers Blooming

Flowers blooming as the sun comes up,
Just as graceful as a newborn duck,
And when it gets dark as the sun goes down,
All the flowers put on a frown.


Homework makes me get hives,
If I were a cat, I'd have lost 9 lives,
Sometimes it makes me run away and hide,
So, stop giving so much,
Because I have only one life.


School, I like anything better than school,
I'd rather be at the pool,
So much homework,no time, for TV,
I know what I'll do, maybe?


Angie, is so very sweet!
As sweet as a bird that
Goes tweet tweet,

She's a good friend that
No one can beat,
I really like her
And she's so very neat!

Time Machine

I wish I had a time machine,
I would go to the sky,
Or even to the Viking land,
I would sit on a cot and be fanned.

I wish I could go to the future,
I could even work on a computer,
See the rocket and comets go by,
I wish, I wish I could try, Oh! try,
To be the best in the sky.


What is fun? Some people ask,
Fun is dressing up with hats, sashes,
And even a mask.

Laughing and playing the whole day through,
To run, jump, hop, even play, too,
This is what fun is,
It's meant only for little kids!

Mom Has the Flu

Mom has the flu,
Sometimes she feels kinda blue,
But she's smart,
Sometimes kinda tart,
But she went to see the doctor,
And found out she had the flu.

"MMM Bop"

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